Well not earlier but it is here today about how to create a function to round up time to nearest minute interval.
T sql floor date time in 5 minute window.
It only works on rounding up or down to the nearest day.
5 minute intervals and use that in the group by.
Sql server all supported versions azure sql database azure sql managed instance azure synapse analytics parallel data warehouse returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified numeric expression.
There s a couple reasons why i don t go that route.
Sql home sql intro sql syntax sql select sql select distinct sql where sql and or not sql order by sql insert into sql null values sql update sql delete sql select top sql min and max sql count avg sum sql like sql wildcards sql in sql between sql aliases sql joins sql inner join sql left join sql right join sql full join sql self join sql.
2 minutes to read 5.
To get better performance overall however you need to understand the concept of framing and how window functions rely on sorting to provide the results.
Floor a datetime in sql server suppose you are given a datetime and want to emulate the floor function on it eg.
In the select add 5 times the number of 5 minute intervals back to the fix date to get the start of the 5 minute period.
5 minutes to read 12.
Sql server all supported versions azure sql database azure sql managed instance azure synapse analytics parallel data warehouse this function returns an integer representing the specified datepart of the specified date.
This convert the period to date time format select note the 5 the minute and the starting point to convert the period back to original time dateadd minute ap fiveminutesperiod 5 2010 01 01t00 00 00 as period ap avgvalue from this groups by the period and gets the average select p fiveminutesperiod avg p value as.
Find first day of year first day of month etc you can use the following code declare date datetime.
See date and time data types and functions transact sql for an overview of all.
For example using the lag function is so much better than doing a self join.
My method will work on seconds minutes hours and can be adapted to weeks months.